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Providing unforgettable experiences

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Not only is Colombia the country with the highest biodiversity per square meter in the world, but it also offers its diversity in an unforgettable experience.


Paintball war in the Pablo Escobara villa, visits to waterfalls up to 600 meters away, ... and many more experiences, which you will find in the " What you can experience " section.

Colombia only 3 years ago began to open up to tourism, for more  50 years  civil war  travel to this country was not safe, but today, after the signing of the peace agreement, the country is very safe and is experiencing a boom in tourism.


Due to the minimal arrival of tourists in history, most locals do not speak English and need to communicate in Spanish.

We provide our clients with all the services that belong to travel.


From transport of your choice (minibuses, motorcycles, cars, boats, helicopters, ...) through a Czech-Spanish-English-speaking guide and especially  selection of the best and authentic non-tourist locations.



S Marekom som zažil nádherný trip naprieč Guatemalou. Marek sa ukázal ako profesionál pre Latinskú Ameriku so špecializáciou pre Kolumbiu, ktorú precestoval krížom krážom A pozná ju lepšie ako miestni.
Cestovanie s ním a jeho agentúrou srdečne odporúčam!

Perla Atlantiku. Ostrov věčného jara. Hawaii Evropy.


Mnoho superlativních slovních spojení vzniklo po objevení tohoto ostrova v roce 1419.


Dechberoucí a pestrá příroda zahrnující pláže s černým vulkanickým pískem, unikátní vavřínové lesy zapsané na seznam světového přírodního dědictví UNESCO, treky všech úrovní obtížnosti a místa mnohými považovaná za nejkrásnější na světě. 


Společně s celoročními teploty mezi 20 - 27 stupni a vzdáleností pouhé 4 hodiny letu z Prahy / Brna se jedná společně s Kanárskými ostrovy o nejteplejší zimní destinaci v Evropě.


Ostrov nabízí kromě rozmanitých možností objevování přírodních krás také široké možnosti gastronomických zážitků. Mezi hlavní exportní artikly Madeiry patří celoročně čerstvé ovoce, zelenina a mořské plody.


Madeira je také rájem pro milovníky surfingu a místní pláže jsou velmi oblíbené v surfařské komunitě po celém světě.


Během týdenní tour budete moct zažít široké spektrum zážitků a dozvědět se mnoho zajímavých informací o životě na ostrově, a to přímo od Čecha, který na ostrově dlouhodobě žije.

Aktuální dostupné termíny červen a červenec 2023 v prodeji již od 25 990 Kč.

What makes Colombia interesting?

In this country inhabited for tens of thousands of years you can find ones of the oldest art expressions as cave and rock paintings and petroglyphs left behind by ancient civilizations. Archaeologists assume that these paintings date back to 45 000 – 15 000 BC.

Kolumbie - archeologická naleziště - cestování - muisca - petroglyfy

In Bogota, the capital of Colombia, where the population approaches 10 million inhabitants, you can find the world`s biggest museum of gold with more than 34 000 exhibits of this sacred metal. Many of them were found in the sacred lake Guatavita, where the gold was offered to the gods as part of ancient ritual and from where the famous legend of El Dorado comes from.

Muzeum zlata v Bogotě - Kolumbie. Více než 34 000 zltých objektů nalezených na různých mítech Kolumbie  zejména v jezeře Guatavita.

“Where there is water, there is life”. With more than 300 different ecosystems Colombia ranks number one in the world - waterfalls higher than 500 meters, whales, pink dolphins, the friendly spectacled bears (yes, these bears are shy and afraid of people), the biggest number of orchid varieties in the world (more than 4000) as well as the biggest variety of birds (the most bird species and the most hummingbird species), second place at the number of species of plants, butterflies, amphibians, fresh-water fish, and third place in the variety of trees which also include mountain palm trees reaching the high of 70 meters that can live up to 100 years. Even though Colombia makes only 0,003 % of the earth`s land area, you can find more than 10 % of the world`s animal and plant species here.

Nevyšší vodopád Kolumbiedosahující výšky 600 metrů, poblíž hlavního města Bogotá.

An optimal environment for the nature is created not only by water but also thanks to the different kinds of ecosystems (from rainforests through tropical glaciers and deserts to páramos) and various regions (the Caribbean Sea, the Pacific Ocean, the Andes – the world`s longest mountain range, the Amazon – the world`s largest rainforest…). Thanks to this, while traveling through Colombia, in a relatively short time you can find yourself in a completely different environment.

Jedinečný ekosystém páramo, kerý zajišťuje Kolumbii dostatek vody, ato jak jejím obyvatelům tak přírodě v okolí.

One day you might be observing the Milky Way from a desert reminding the planet Mars, the next day you might be enjoying a volcanic mud bath with a view of other volcanos, another day you can discover a rainforest or a cloud forest and then stop by a thermal waterfall or thermal river, afterwards you can admire one of the world`s last remaining tropical glaciers or visit a coffee farm with one of the world`s most famous coffees, admire traditional architecture or street art, enjoy some rare fruits or an adrenaline adventure like waterfall rappelling, and the list could continue.


That is why they say that Colombia has to offer something for everyone, and we are here to show you the possibilities and to help you with this travel full of unforgettable experiences and adventures.

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